Thursday, February 2, 2012

Rock Review: Chalcedony

Today’s rock review features the very versatile Chalcedony.
Geology Buzz
Chalcedony is a Silica mineral composed of an interwoven combination of Quartz and Moganite crystal formations. Chalcedony is somewhat translucent and also has a waxy sheen that becomes vitreous when polished. It can occur in a wide array of colors, although it most often is found in brown gray or black tones. Many semiprecious gems are actually just different varieties of Chalcedony. Some examples are Agate, Aventurine, Carnelian, Chrysoprase, Helliotrope, Mtorolite, and Onyx.
Many of the brightly colored Chalcedony available for purchase in the gemstone market is dyed or treated to enhance color, giving us an even greater range of fabulous colors. In UV light, many varieties of Chalcedony appear fluorescent.
Fun Facts
Humans have been making good use of Chalcedony since the Bronze age. In the Mediterranean region many surviving examples of intricate seals depicting rulers and dignitaries are still in great condition. Hot wax does not stick to Chalcedony, which is why it is ideal as this type of tool. Other antique pieces of carved gemstone jewelry and beads are also readily found in the middle and near east from a variety of cultures.
In gem lore, Chalcedony is a believed to be a nurturing stone that promotes goodwill and positive relationships. It absorbs negative energy and brings the mind, body and spirit into harmony. Chalcedony also helps the body to better absorb and assimilate minerals into the veins. It also increases physical energy!
Check out these cool varieties of Chalcedony from Layne Designs.

Layne Designs Magenta Chalcedony Briolette Necklace (left)
Blue Chalcedony Nodule and Briolette Beads

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